Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween from Grey Matter & RYME Studios

Something old, something new...

Happy Halloween from Grey Matter & RYME Studios


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Secret Project: Image 1

A little something I threw together for a project me and some friends have been planning for a few months. No word on how soon IT will BEGIN, but trust that this collaboration will be a work in progress and a collective of amazing imagery!!!


S-TAPP Halloween Bash @ The Refuge - poster design sketch

This is a rough sketch and outline I created for a project I'm working on. I'm creating a poster layout w/ original artwork by ME, to be used by S-TAPP and The Refuge, a Sacramento based youth group fighting peer pressure and an all ages venue, respectively.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

"SICK" graffiti sketch

This a just a graffiti sketch I did a few weeks ago. Maybe it was months? Hmm?!?!?!?! Anyways, I've painted some graff since, I just mean as far as graff sketches - haven't been doing em. I want to though, just need to get some new markers and prisma pencils.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Skull and Spine sketch

This was a sketch, created after I threw some spray paint on a canvas and decided to FIND something in the paint to guide me. I found a skull and then a spine, so I created this thumbnail and have already executed quite a bit of the painting. If anyones reading - THE FINISHED WORKS ARE COMING! Why else would all this stuff be on here??? Enjoy!


Skinned Buggy Zombie

Although this is just a random sketch, I fell in love with it. Not my best work, not my worst. Still, I love the little guy created from my thoughts, created over time, here and there, riding in the truck, sitting at home watching a movie, drunk in the middle of the night. I finally finished it! Best name I could come up with - Skinned Buggy Zombie. There ya go.